Renowned for his impeccable productions, REGGIO has been a seminal figure in the rise of his signature dark progressive style over the years. After wildly successful releases on Revealed, REGGIO brings his unique blend of sharp-toothed basslines and melodic big room to the music producer masses. Having delivered a string of hit singles in recent times from standout tracks, such as the collaboration with Sansixto on ‘Rumble’, ‘Pantheon’ with Arcando, 'Mental' with RIVERO, and the most recent collaboration with Syzz on ‘Joker’ - REGGIO is now providing upcoming and seasoned producers with a wealth of exclusive sounds from his past productions, as well as being jam packed with new sounds of forthcoming tracks.
Inside the REGGIO Soundset Mega Pack Vol. 1 is 192 presets for Serum, Spire, and Sylenth1 - where you’ll find sounds from his latest and upcoming releases, allowing aspiring producers to recreate the REGGIO dark progressive signature sound. Among the soundsets, you’ll find a wide variety of Bass, Leads, Pads, Plucks, and FXs. Tailor-made for customization, each preset is assigned advanced modwheel assignments and, within Serum and Spire, all four macro controls are programmed within each preset, allowing you to tweak sounds in your own way.
Reveal Yourself.