Educational Discount

Alonso Sound currently offers educational discounts of anywhere up to 25% on a majority of our products to qualifying individuals.

If you are a student or teacher currently enrolled in a degree granting or accredited institution, please send us a copy of your student/teacher ID, or a letter from your college/university confirming your full-time status of enrollment.

Please note that EDU Discount applies only to full-priced individual items ONLY and cannot be used on sale items.

After we have received and approved your application, we will create an Alonso Sound account for you (if you don’t already have one) and mark it as ‘EDU Membership’ for a period of one year. After a year, you can renew your Educational memberhip, by sending us new proof.

Fill out the form below to get started!


Wholesale/Bulk Licensing

For musical institutions interested in bulk licenses, please contact us at

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